Thursday, April 12, 2007

Went to pick up Oscar from the vet today

There have been alot of hard days since Oscars passing, some easier than others but today wasnt one of those easy days.... probably one of the harder ones. I had to go to the vet today to pick up Oscars ashes... I have been looking forward to bringing him home since I last saw him but I wasnt ready to go back there yet. When I finally do find it in me to walk in it turns out they have him in the wrong box... just my luck! Such a beautiful warm sunny spring day I sat on the tailgate of my truck outside the vets office crying my eyes out. An hour I sat there absolutly numb to everything except the thought of Oscar. Not 15 minutes goes by during the day that I dont think of him, I talk about him all the time. I miss him so much. I don't have much and can handle losing things.... But why my best friend? He as my crew... if there was anything stable in my life it was Oscar. He didnt deserve this.