Friday, March 23, 2007

Oscar saved me

Words can't express this absolute tragedy that has happened on March 19, 2007. I can't explain how lonely, lost, sad, angry and alone I feel. If my tears could build a stairway and a lane I'd walk up them to heaven to bring you home again. Oscar has been taken from this world and I just don't understand why, I just hope and pray he is looking down on me from the big dog park in the sky. I had nothing in life, I had lost it all and my life was going downhill fast. My new world began Dec. 23 2005, that's the day Oscar came into my world and saved me. Oscar saved my life.... literally! He became my reason to wake up, to go to work, to go on day by day. It hasn't been the best year and a half for me, I have been so lost, confused, frustrated and list of many more. I had no idea where to go or where we fit in. The reality was it didn't matter where we were home was where ever Oscar and I slept that night, all that mattered was we had each other... I was Oscars world and Oscar was mine. There is no where he went that he wasn't greeted with open arms, a big smile and someone saying Oscaaaaar! I was no longer known as Andrew, I was now Oscar and Andrew.One word sums up Oscars life...Andrew, One word sums up my life....Oscar!

He's Oscar

Some might say he is just an animal....a dog. Well in this case...he's not just a dog or an animal! He's Oscar, he's my family, my best friend, my shadow. He's my Othcar buddy, he's my crew, we're tight and we roll together... always! I don't leave him behind and he doesn't leave me. Ultimately he is my life and I am his. He's had not so finer moments in his life like chewing, diarrhea in the car even on the bed a few days after I got him, he taught other dogs that its ok to go wandering when outside for a pee, learning to beg at grandma and grandpas house, countless fast food bags have been shredded in the truck, he even jumped out of the back of the truck en route to the dog park. He has been called many things... shiney lip, stupid face, fuzzy nuts, gibble eyes, Marty, Mithter Othcar, goofball, little guy, stinky,bouncing baby boxer,peculiar, cute, beautiful.

I sat in an airport terminal for 8 hours once waiting for a plane with him and i can't count how many people stopped to say hello to him or pet him, even the people at Westjet were so taken by him they made a sign for his kennel rather than just writing his name on the top of it. He lives for the moment, not yesterday not this afternoon or tonight .... right now living for the moment. He has never hurt anyone or anything but without even knowing or trying he has the ability to make people smile, laugh, happy.... he also touches their hearts. His face might be ugly, he might not have a tail, he might drink out of the toilet or wipe his face on the carpet, he might have bad gas and snore, he might hog the bed, sleep with his head on the pillow, he might howl at certain sounds, he might play in my bath water or stick his head in the shower when I am in there, his nose might be wet, he might even get his tongue totally in your mouth when he licks your face but... he's got a heart the size of Texas and is worth his weight in gold....Well he's Oscar and I love him more than life itself

Remembering Oscar

Oscars Favourite Toy
Quacking Duck

I have started this page in order to pay tribute to my best friend, my savior,my heart, my soul, my shadow, my reason for getting up in the morning..... OSCAR. He represented everything I want to be in this lifetime. There are countless hearts that were touched by Oscar and a million smiles and laughs because of him, he has changed my life forever and I will spend my lifetime honouring and cherishing his memory. I am here now, today, because of him... and for that I can't ever thank him enough, I am eternally greatful!.