Monday, June 18, 2007

It happens to all of us

It happens to all of us, there's no getting around it. One day we are faced with the heartbreak of having to say goodbye to one of our beloved companions. Those people who choose to adopt a dog are incredibly special - they are all too aware that the time with that dog will be limited, but they choose to open their hearts and home regardless. I often wonder, if the love is even more intense, knowing you truly have to live day by day and treasure every moment.

Irving Townsend, in his book "Separate Lifetmes", says it best:

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan."

On Monday March19 2007 at 8:20pm, Oscar Rymill....a very special boy left his family, he left me so lonely and even worse I was now alone again without him!

Oscar was adopted December 24 2005, age 6 weeks, I was at a very low point in my life and Oscars arrival opened my world and saved me. What better time for being saved than christmas. That evening I made a promise to him... It was him and I together for life no matter what!

I'd like to thank all our friends for all the kind words and thoughts we have recieved.As you might know by now, we had to take Oscar for his last trip to the vet on Monday March 19. Oscar passed very peacefully in my arms , he was so strong and brave as we were together until the end whispering how much everybody loved him into his ear. He had his favourite toys his quacking duck his squeaking toy he got from his friend Zoli and his toys from grandma He spent the morning with me, eating, playing in the backyard and napping. I took him to the vet at about noon and went home waiting for good news about his test. The outcome was not positive and my world completely shattered, it is probably the worst news I have ever had to hear in my life!

It was a very grey, cold, cloudy and scary day for me I was being forced to say goodbye to my best friend, my shadow, my heart , my soul, my motivation to get up every day. After Oscar had passed as we had left the vets office night had fallen. The next morning was grey and dismal, as I walked outside to get some fresh air and try compose myself from a sleepless tear filled night the Sun broke through the clouds and shone as brilliant and bright as I had ever seen, warming my tear soaked face as I sat there I realised this was Oscars way of telling me ''I made it dad!'' his journey was now complete.

He had such spirit and enetered everywhere eyes wide open.. He brought such an energy to my life that I will be honouring him in many ways. One will be to have all his good friends over for drinks for a memorial (date TBA), probably on the anniversary of his passing, another is the box with his ashes sits proudly on top of the bookshelf along with a clay paw imprint from his doctor, his collar, some pictures, his favourite toy and a card from the all his friends at the vet who treated him like the gentleman he was. He sits atop the book shelf as this is the highest point in the room so that he can watch over me just as I did for him every day that he was alive...and I will continue to do so everyday for the rest of mine

Much to my surprise, this has happened sooner than later than I had expected. I was just looking at puppies on the internet and found one who looked just like Oscar except without the shiny lip. I wondered if this would be too soon...but that thought quickly passed, as I thought the best way to remember and honour my best friend Oscar was to open mines and Oscars home to another boxer friend. He arrived Saturday afternoon May 5 2007. Cinqo de Mayo

I would like to introduce you to "Hank". I have not done this sooner as I am still not sure in my heart that I am keeping him. He is a completely different dog than Oscar, quiet, shy and a little sceptical at this point. Like Oscar, he has so much potential. He's already fit in and has gotten used to life with me abnormal as it is!

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